Often overshadowed and always pivotal, playing your pawns properly can make or break your chess game. Chess fundamentals will teach you that a pawn can move forward one or two squares forward on it’s first turn, and a single square on all subsequent turns. This can feel like a snooze when compared to all the […]
Before you start memorizing openings and confining yourself to a play-style, it’s important to understand the basic principles around the opening moves of chess. Beginner chess strategy starts with having the correct mindset during the crucial ten first moves of your game. Develop, Develop, Develop. The idea behind developing your chess pieces is as […]
The life changing benefits of chess are no secret. Problem solving skills, reading levels, academic performance, & social intelligence are all things that chess can help your child excel at. The hurdle is always introducing your child to chess in a way that will inspire them to continue with it on their own accord. […]
Finding the right chess coach is a process, and we cover the basics of finding the right coach in a previous blog post here. But why exactly is a chess coach beneficial, and what are the biggest benefits of hiring a chess coach? At a time when the wealth of online knowledge is so vast, […]
Loving the game and playing chess daily is great, but it alone is not enough to propel you up the ladder! When we say practice makes perfect, we mean the right practice. Practicing right is more than just playing games, it’s revisiting those games, evaluating them, and understanding your shortcomings. That’s how you get better […]
While the fundamentals of tournament chess are of course the same, many new players are intimidated by tournament chess because it’s the etiquette they don’t have a grasp on quite yet. We’re here to tell you that this is normal, and completely understandable. Let’s go through some of the basics together, so you’re ready for […]
As a school administrator, teacher, or parent, you want your school to offer the best for the students. Exceptional extracurricular activities are an important part of that. Chess is growing hugely in popularity in schools as the benefits of chess in an academic setting are studied further. If your school doesn’t offer chess to students, […]
Finding the right chess coach can be make or break for a student. Like having a highschool teacher that you enjoy seeing every day gives life to the subject they teach, having the right chess coach can drive your or your child’s chess game into a lifelong hobby. Choosing the right coach can be broken […]
When you end up on a forum for your favourite sport or hobby, you’ll often find countless posts with contradictory training techniques and regiments. What some people swear by, others will see as a waste of time. Creating an online chess training plan is just as difficult. What works and what doesn’t? Here are three […]
Chess is a game of tremendous, yet finite possibilities. It gives rise to tactics and strategies that some of the most brilliant minds have worked hard to formulate. But before we get there, let’s dial it back to what every beginner chess lesson should drill into a student’s mind – basic strategy. While there are […]